

energetic. transformative. nurturing.

why do you do yoga? Yoga has been and continues to be a process of self discovery, healing and transformation in my life. It helps me to tune into what’s important and let go of the unloving stuff that can often hold us back from being our most authentic selves. Yoga shapes everything that I do and I am so blessed to share my love and expression of yoga with you.


what makes your class yours/ how do you hope to make people feel? My classes come from my heart and my deep passion for the power of yoga to remove obstacles, free us from ego, and draw us closer and closer to our divine nature. I hope people are challenged from my classes on all levels because it is when we move beyond our comfort zone that real growth occurs.


inspiration. “I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” – Rumi